English Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) and Answers | English Quiz Set 11

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1 Which of the following landscapes of England figures prominently in the poetry of Ted Hughes ?
1 Cornish cliffs
2 Dorset moors
3 Yorkshire moors
4 Chesil Beach

Answer: Yorkshire moors
2 The title of M.C. Chagla’s autobiography is :
1 Memoirs of my Working Life
2 Without Fear or Favour
3 Roses in December
4 The Pen as My Sword

Answer:Roses in December
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3 Who/Which among the following gave the expression, “a leopard can’t change its spots,” to English language ?
1 The King James Bible
2 Geoffrey Chaucer
3 Shakespeare
4 The Royal Society

Answer:The King James Bible
4 Which of the following is NOT true about Albert Camus’s novel, The Plague ?
1 Dr. Rieux describes the phenomenon of dying rats using the metaphors of disease, especially the bubonic plague.
2 Paneloux interprets the plague in his first sermon as a sign of the Apocalypse.
3 M. Michel is the first victim of the plague.
4 Tarrou thinks that the plague symbolizes human indifference.

Answer: Paneloux interprets the plague in his first sermon as a sign of the Apocalypse.
5 John Lydgate begins his Siege of Thebes with a prologue of 176 lines in which he imagines himself joining Chaucer’s pilgrims in Canterbury, where he speaks with the Host and agrees to tell the first tale on homeward journey. The story that Lydgate tells as the pilgrims depart from Canterbury is meant to be a companion piece to :
1 The Pardoner’s Tale
2 The Wife of Bath’s Tale
3 The Knight’s Tale
4 The Miller’s Tale

Answer:The Knight’s Tale
6 Stephen Krashen’s theory of second language acquisition consists of six main hypotheses. Which of the following is NOT one of them ?
1 The Input Hypothesis
2 The Affective Filter Hypothesis
3 The Monitor Hypothesis
4 The Writing Hypothesis

Answer:The Writing Hypothesis
7 Among Derek Walcott’s plays, which one is an exploration of colonial relationships through the Robinson Crusoe story ?
1 Pantomime
2 Dream on Monkey Mountain
3 Ti-Jean and His Brothers
4 The Charlatan

8 ‘Anti - foundationalism’ holds that :
1 Every theory poses different questions and, therefore, what counts as ‘fact’ and ‘truth’ differs in every case.
2 All truth claims can be judged true or false, usually against empirical facts.
3 Causal statements about the relationship between dependent and independent variables can be made.
4 Truth is the foundation of all representational experience.

Answer: Every theory poses different questions and, therefore, what counts as ‘fact’ and ‘truth’ differs in every case.
9 The interaction hypothesis is a theory of second language acquisition which states that the development of language proficiency is promoted by face-to-face interaction and communication. The idea is usually credited to :
1 David Nunan
2 Michael Long
3 Alastair Pennycook
4 Claire Kramsch

Answer: Michael Long
10 In Pinter’s Birthday Party Stanley is terrorised by two visitors to a seaside boarding house. Identify the two

(a) McGrath

(b) Goldberg

(c) McCann

(d) Robinson

The right combination according to the code is :

1 (a) and (b)
2 (b) and (c)
3 (a) and (d)
4 (b) and (d)

Answer: (b) and (c)
11 Which 19TH century novelist expressed a wish to “exterminate the race” of Indians following the 1857 Mutiny in India ?
1 William Makepeace Thackeray
2 Charles Dickens
3 George Eliot
4 Anthony Trollope

Answer: Charles Dickens
12 The second part of Pilgrim’s Progress deals with the pilgrimage of Christian’s wife, Christiana. She has a companion and a guide in this journey. Pick out the pair’s names from the following list.

(a) Patience

(b) Tenderheart

(c) Mercy

(d) Greatheart

The right combination according to the code is :

1 (c) and (d)
2 (b) and (c)
3 (a) and (d)
4 (b) and (d)

Answer: (c) and (d)
13 In which play by Eugene Ionesco do you find the grotesque image of the leg of a corpse thrusting onto the stage, and, which begins to grow larger as the play progresses in a menacing manner ?
1 The Bald Soprano
2 Amede or How to Get Rid of It
3 Exit the King
4 The Lesson

Answer:Amede or How to Get Rid of It
14 Which of the following characters finds that complete happiness is elusive and that “while you are making the choice of life, you neglect to live” ?
1 Lovelace in Samuel Richardson’s Clarissa
2 Rasselas in Samuel Johnson’s Rasselas
3 Matthew Bramble in Tobias Smollett’s Humphry Clinker
4 Harley in Henry Mackenzie’s The Man of Feeling

Answer: Rasselas in Samuel Johnson’s Rasselas
15 Arrange the following in the chronological order of publication :
1 In Memoriam - A Christmas Carol - Men and Women - Henry Esmond
2 A Christmas Carol - In Memoriam - Men and Women - Henry Esmond
3 A Christmas Carol - In Memoriam - Henry Esmond - Men and Women
4 In Memoriam - A Christmas Carol - Henry Esmond - Men and Women

Answer:A Christmas Carol - In Memoriam - Henry Esmond - Men and Women

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