Coordination Compounds MCQs | Coordination Compounds Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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1 For the correct assignment of electronic configuration of a complex, the valence bond theory often requires the measurement of
A Molar conductance
B Optical activity
C Magnetic moment
D Dipole moment

Answer: Magnetic moment
2 A complex of certain metal has the magnetic moment of 4.91 BM whereas another complex of the same metal with same oxidation state has zero magnetic moment. The metal ion could be
A Co2+
B Mn2+
C Fe2+
D Fe3+

Answer: Fe2+
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3 The tetrahedral [COI4]2– and square planar [PdBr4]2– complex ions are respectively:
A Low spin, high spin
B High spin, low spin
C Both low spin
D Both high spin

Answer: High spin, low spin
4 On treatment of [Ni(NH3)4]2+ with concentrated HCl, two compounds I and II having the same formula, [NiCl2(NH3)2 are obtained, I can be can be converted into II by boiling with dilute HCl. A solution of I reacts with oxalic acid to form [NI(C2O4)(NH)2] whereas II does not react. Point the correct statement of the following
A I cis, II trans; both tetrahderal
B I cis, II trans; both square planar
C I trans, II cis: both tetrahedral
D All of these

Answer: I cis, II trans; both square planar
5 Point out the correct statements amongst the following
A [Cu(CN)4]3– has tetrahedral geometry and dsp2 hybridization
B [Ni(CN6]4– is octahedral and Ni has d2sp3 hybridization
C [ZnBr4]2– is tetrahedral and diamagnetic
D [Cr(NH3)6]3+ has octahedral geometry and sp3d2 hybridization

Answer: [ZnBr4]2– is tetrahedral and diamagnetic
6 In the isoeelctronic series of metal carbonyl, the CO bond strength is expected to increase in the order.
A [Mn(CO)6]+ < [Cr(CO)6] < [V(CO)6]–
B [V (CO)6]– < [Cr(CO)6] < [Mn(CO)6]+
C [V(CO)6]– [Mn(CO)6]+ < [Cr(CO)6]
D None Of The Above

Answer: [V (CO)6]– < [Cr(CO)6] < [Mn(CO)6]+
7 Which one of the following can show optical isomerism?
A CCl4
B K3[Cr(C2O4)3]
C K3[Fe(CN)6]
D None Of The Above

Answer: K3[Cr(C2O4)3]
8 (Crystal Field Theory) Strong field ligands such as CN-:
A usually produce high spin complexes and small crystal field splittings
B usually produce low spin complexes and small crystal field splittings
C usually produce low spin complexes and high crystal field splittings
D cannot form low spin complexes

Answer: usually produce low spin complexes and high crystal field splittings
9 (Crystal Field Theory) Which one of the following statements is FALSE?
A In an octahedral crystal field, the d electrons on a metal ion occupy the eg set of orbitals before they occupy the t2g set of orbitals
B Diamagnetic metal ions cannot have an odd number of electrons
C Low spin complexes can be paramagnetic
D Low spin complexes contain strong field ligands

Answer: In an octahedral crystal field, the d electrons on a metal ion occupy the eg set of orbitals before they occupy the t2g set of orbitals
10 (Valence Bond Theory) The coordination complex, [Cu(OH2)6]2+ has one unpaired electron. Which of the following statements are true? (1) The complex is octahedral. (2) The complex is an outer orbital complex. (3) The complex is d2sp3 hybridized. (4) The complex is diamagnetic. (5) The coordination number is 6.
A 1, 4
B 1, 2, 5
C 2, 3, 5
D 2, 3

Answer: 1, 2, 5
11 In which one of the following species does the transition metal ion have d3 electronic configuration?
A [Cr(NH3)6]3+
B [Co(OH2)6]2+
C [CoF6]3-
D [Fe(CN)6]3-

Answer: [Cr(NH3)6]3+
12 Which one of the following complexes can exhibit geometrical isomerism?
A [Pt(NH3)2Cl2] (square planar)
B [Zn(NH3)2Cl2] (tetrahedral)
C [Cu(NH3)4]2+ (square planar)
D None of the above

Answer: [Pt(NH3)2Cl2] (square planar)
13 What is the oxidation number of the central metal atom in the coordination compound [Pt(NH3)3Cl]Cl?
A -1
B 0
C +1
D +2

Answer: +2
14 Select the correct IUPAC name for: [Co(NH3)6]2+
A hexammoniacobaltate(II) ion
B hexaamminecobaltate(II) ion
C hexaamminecobalt(II) ion
D All of these

Answer: hexaamminecobalt(II) ion
15 Select the correct IUPAC name for: [FeF4(OH2)2]-
A diaquatetrafluoroiron(III) ion
B diaquatetrafluoroferrate(III) ion
C diaquatetrafluoroiron(I) ion
D diaquatetrafluoroferrate(I) ion

Answer: diaquatetrafluoroferrate(III) ion
16 Consider the coordination compound, K2[Cu(CN)4]. A coordinate covalent bond exists between
A K+ and CN-
B Cu2+ and CN-
C K+ and [Cu(CN)4]2-
D C and N in CN-

Answer: Cu2+ and CN-
17 Consider the coordination compound, Na2[Pt(CN)4]. The Lewis acid is
A [Pt(CN)4]2-
B Na+
C Pt
D Pt2+

Answer: Pt2+
18 In coordination chemistry, the donor atom of a ligand is
A a Lewis acid
B the counter ion
C the central metal atom
D the atom in the ligand that shares an electron pair with the metal

Answer: the atom in the ligand that shares an electron pair with the metal
19 The EAN of metal atoms in Fe(CO2)2(NO)2 and Co2(CO)8 respectively are
A 34, 35
B 34, 36
C 36, 36
D All Of These

Answer: 36, 36
20 Following Sidgwick’s rule of EAN, Co(CO)x will be
A Co2(CO)4
B Co2(CO)3
C Co2(CO)8
D None Of The Above

Answer: Co2(CO)8

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